Thursday, September 13, 2012

When you understand and implement these ten C's you will contribute to a winning team

A buzzword in business for at least the last decade has been all about Team. We've all heard ito Team!

Do you think that it is all about team?

If you said agree...then you are off the mark!

A fantastic trainer and speaker, Dan Clark gives a speech on being part of a team. This article is about his message and adapated for your Monavie business.

It's about you. It is not about your Monavie team. Remember that every team loses at some point. Are there companies going bankrupt as I write this post and as you read it? Yes, and each one has a team. It's not all about team. Teams are defeated all the time.

Interestingly enough, we've all heard the phrase that there is no "I" in team. This is true if you are in a spelling bee. If you want to get after a spelling contest then here we go. True, there is no "I" in team however there are two "I's" in winning. The first "I": Independent and Individual Preparation which includes commitments to: Change, Cause, Confidence, Clarity, Chemistry, Character and Consistency.

Let me break down the second "I": Interdependent Collaboration which is loyalty to: Cohesion, Conclusion and Contribution. In order to establish a successful Monavie team you need to commit to these ten C's.

Yes, you are right, there is no "I" in team as they don't give Super Bowl rings out one at a time. If you want to build a prosperous Monavie team then you've got to have the most "I" players on your team. The players that are dedicated to Independent and Individual Preparation along with Interdependent Collaboration.

Are you an "I" player? Are you the best that YOU can be? When we begin to rely on others more than on ourselves, we relinquish power to become more than we already are, to rise to the occasion and contribute to the win. We all must take personal responsibility for the good of the team.

The movie, "Miracle" is the story of the 1980 US Men's Olympic Hockey team. Head coach Herb Brooks tries out a group of young men to try out for the team. In one scene, he cuts many of the "best" players from the team. The head of the Olympic committee confronts him and ask him, "What in the world are you doing? Why are you cutting all of the best players?" Coach Brooks explains, "I can't win with the best players, I can only win with the right players." The right players have all of the ten C's while the best players only have three or four. When all was said and done, this team goes onto to win the Olympic Gold Medal.

Independent and Individual Preparation. Here's what you need to ask, are you the best that you can possibly be? I'm not talking about "exceeding your potential." No one can exceed their potential. Hang around people that inspire us to become more than who we already are. Not to exceed our potential but to exceed expectations! This is what happens when we stretch and exceed our capacity from the inside out. Become all that YOU can be in order to help the entire team.

Be the best that you can be by exceeding other people's expectations with your Monavie business.

Why? Why are you on the team that you are on right now? Why? Why are you spending time reading this article? Once we figure out the why, within a team concept, then figuring out the 'how to' becomes obvious and easy to execute.

If you want to play on a winning team, it is your responsibility to look on the inside and make sure that you are doing everything you know how to do to make sure that you are the best that you can be. Physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, socially and most importantly with your family. If you get your act together and live by these ten C's then you will win in Monavie.

Clarity - Likes attract likes - the law of attraction.

Character - It's what you do when no one is around that matters.

Confidence - This basically mind memory. You've done it so many times that you don't question your ability.

Consistency - The muscle memory that comes from perfect practice.

Change - Life isn't what happens it's how you respond to it.

Cause - Answer the why. Then figuring out the how-to is simple.

Chemistry - It's not what you dot's who you do it with.

The second "I" in winning represents the last three C's of the ten.

Contribution - Making everyone else around you better.

Cohesion - Making sure that when people leave you they say, "I like you best, I want to see you again."

Conclusion - Focus, finish and close the deal.

When you understand and implement these ten C's you will contribute to a winning team, create personal value and always have security with Monavie and your life.

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